Plan miasta Hanefi

Znaleziono 2 miejscowosci o nazwie Hanefi.

Hanefi - Najnowsze wiadomości:

la sveltina

afghanistan, scarcerato rahmatullah bhanefi/b afghanistan, 5 bambini tra le vittime di un kamikaze. kabul - dieci persone sono morte ieri in un attacco suicida in afghanistan: tra le vittime cinque bambini e un soldato olandese. ...
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2326) Media Scanner 8 Feb 2008 ~ Armenian Genocide Resource Center

The representative of the parliament majority is criticizing the acting prime minister who did not take a bvacation/b during his election campaign. Most interestingly, unlike "Mafiosi", the "outsiders" do not leave the "game". b....../b In a report that bHanefi/b Avci, a police chief investigating deep state links, would compile three years later on the above-mentioned car crash, the location of Ersever?s archives was noted as the home of the driver of a customs police chief. b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

2581) Armenia-Turkey Soccer Politics ~ Armenian Genocide Resource b.../b

The Armenian Football Federation formed a press desk at the Marriott Armenia bHotel/b, located in the center of Yerevan, for Turkish journalists who arrive in Armenia to attend the game. b....../b In the Kumkap? district of I.stanbul, bHanefi/b Demirci, a Turkish-born Armenian, said Gül's visit could help build bridges of friendship between Armenia and Turkey. Reacting against opposition leaders who suggested that Gül's visit would help nothing but would instead damage Turkey's b.../b
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